Keyword Index


  • Abu Hafs Shahabuddin Omar Suhravardi Investigating the Processes and their Roles in Suhrawardi’s Ideological Discourse Based on the Functionalist Approach [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 9-35]
  • Academy of Persian Language Writing and editing pathology of civil law based on Persian grammar [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 287-315]
  • Al-wāfi fī te‘dāde-l qawāfī Grammatical and Rhetorical Analysis of the Al-wāfi fī Te‘dāde-l Qawāfī by Mohammad 'Assar-e Tabrizi [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 227-252]
  • Anvari Abivardi A Comparative Study of Internal Music in the Lyrical Poems of Anvari Abivardi and Zahiruddin Faryabi [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 155-182]
  • Assar-e Tabrizi Grammatical and Rhetorical Analysis of the Al-wāfi fī Te‘dāde-l Qawāfī by Mohammad 'Assar-e Tabrizi [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 227-252]


  • Bidel Functions of Biddle Dehlavi's Linguistic combination in Decorating the Form of Speech from a Stylistic Perspective [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 183-201]
  • Bijan and Manijeh Rhetorical function of preposing and postposing the main elements of the sentence in Garshaspnameh and the story of Bizhan and Manizheh of Shahnameh [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 231-261]


  • Comparative literature Metaphor in Children's Poetry Composed by Mahmoud Kianoush and Soleiman al-Issa [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 253-276]
  • Comprehensive Description of Masnavi Manavi Rhetorical and linguistic critique of the first book of "Comprehensive Description of Masnavi Manavi" by Karim Zamani [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 89-117]
  • Contemperary poetry The Phonetic Structure of Language in the Poetry of Seyyed Hasan Hoseini [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 93-122]


  • De-familiarization Examining the aspects of musical de-familiarization of Mahmoud Kiyanoosh children's poems [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 263-286]



  • Fiction Rhetorical-action (Bourdieusian) reading of Morgh-e-Anjir, pygmalion and Seda-Khone by GholamHossein Sa’edi [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 195-230]
  • Foregrounding Functions of Biddle Dehlavi's Linguistic combination in Decorating the Form of Speech from a Stylistic Perspective [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 183-201]
  • Fotowwat-Nameh (The letter of generosity) Investigating the Processes and their Roles in Suhrawardi’s Ideological Discourse Based on the Functionalist Approach [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 9-35]
  • Functionalist Linguistics Investigating the Processes and their Roles in Suhrawardi’s Ideological Discourse Based on the Functionalist Approach [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 9-35]


  • Garsaspnameh Rhetorical function of preposing and postposing the main elements of the sentence in Garshaspnameh and the story of Bizhan and Manizheh of Shahnameh [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 231-261]
  • General Adjective A New Look at a Kind of Special and General Adjective in Persian Language [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 39-60]
  • General identity Compound-exceptional Verbs and How to Distinguish them in a Sentence [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 123-153]
  • Ghazal A Comparative Study of Internal Music in the Lyrical Poems of Anvari Abivardi and Zahiruddin Faryabi [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 155-182]
  • GholamHossein Sa’edi Rhetorical-action (Bourdieusian) reading of Morgh-e-Anjir, pygmalion and Seda-Khone by GholamHossein Sa’edi [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 195-230]
  • Grammar Aesthetics of Pronoun in Morsal Prose based on the Jakobson's Metonymic Pole of the Language [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 307-332]
  • Grammar Writing and editing pathology of civil law based on Persian grammar [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 287-315]
  • Grammatical elements An Analysis of Substitutable Linguistic Elements in the Works of Holy Defense Based on "Lashkar-e Khooban" [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 37-62]


  • Halliday's Functional Grammar Theory Rhetorical function of preposing and postposing the main elements of the sentence in Garshaspnameh and the story of Bizhan and Manizheh of Shahnameh [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 231-261]
  • Her Eyes A New Look at a Kind of Special and General Adjective in Persian Language [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 39-60]
  • Holy Defense Literatures An Analysis of Substitutable Linguistic Elements in the Works of Holy Defense Based on "Lashkar-e Khooban" [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 37-62]


  • Imitation and Influences Vulgarity and Plagiarisms in Mo’ezzi's Divan [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 119-153]
  • Indian style Functions of Biddle Dehlavi's Linguistic combination in Decorating the Form of Speech from a Stylistic Perspective [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 183-201]
  • Internal Music A Comparative Study of Internal Music in the Lyrical Poems of Anvari Abivardi and Zahiruddin Faryabi [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 155-182]
  • Irony Irony in Nasim-e-Shomal’s Poetry [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 9-38]


  • Jorjani’s theory of Nazm Rhetorical function of preposing and postposing the main elements of the sentence in Garshaspnameh and the story of Bizhan and Manizheh of Shahnameh [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 231-261]


  • Karim Zamani Rhetorical and linguistic critique of the first book of "Comprehensive Description of Masnavi Manavi" by Karim Zamani [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 89-117]


  • Lashkar-e Khooban An Analysis of Substitutable Linguistic Elements in the Works of Holy Defense Based on "Lashkar-e Khooban" [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 37-62]
  • Linguistic Elements An Analysis of Substitutable Linguistic Elements in the Works of Holy Defense Based on "Lashkar-e Khooban" [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 37-62]
  • Linguistic highlighting Examining the aspects of musical de-familiarization of Mahmoud Kiyanoosh children's poems [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 263-286]
  • Literature of Constitutional Age Irony in Nasim-e-Shomal’s Poetry [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 9-38]
  • Love and Qalandari Lyrics Comparison of the Use of Verb in Love and Qalandari Lyrics of Sanayi [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 203-226]


  • Mahmoud Kianoush Metaphor in Children's Poetry Composed by Mahmoud Kianoush and Soleiman al-Issa [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 253-276]
  • Mahmoud Kiyanoosh Examining the aspects of musical de-familiarization of Mahmoud Kiyanoosh children's poems [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 263-286]
  • Mersad-ol ‘Ebad Mersad-ol ‘Ebad: Archaism in language and Literariness in Musicality [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 277-306]
  • Metonymic Pole of the Language Aesthetics of Pronoun in Morsal Prose based on the Jakobson's Metonymic Pole of the Language [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 307-332]
  • Mo’ezzi Vulgarity and Plagiarisms in Mo’ezzi's Divan [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 119-153]
  • Monologic Discourse Investigating the Processes and their Roles in Suhrawardi’s Ideological Discourse Based on the Functionalist Approach [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 9-35]
  • Morsal Prose Aesthetics of Pronoun in Morsal Prose based on the Jakobson's Metonymic Pole of the Language [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 307-332]


  • Naser Khosrow Methods of Persian word selection and word- making in Naser Khosrow's prose books [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 61-89]
  • Nasim-e-shomal Irony in Nasim-e-Shomal’s Poetry [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 9-38]
  • Nishaboori Atigh Aboobakr Evaluation and Analysis of Special Syntactical and Writing Features of Soorabadi Interpretation [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 91-118]


  • Onomastics Onomastics of Rhetorical Books from the Perspective of Meaning, Semantic Core, Transparency, and Opacity [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 65-92]
  • Opacity Onomastics of Rhetorical Books from the Perspective of Meaning, Semantic Core, Transparency, and Opacity [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 65-92]


  • Pahlavi language Methods of Persian word selection and word- making in Naser Khosrow's prose books [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 61-89]
  • Persian Poetry A Comparative Study of Internal Music in the Lyrical Poems of Anvari Abivardi and Zahiruddin Faryabi [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 155-182]
  • Persian Terms Methods of Persian word selection and word- making in Naser Khosrow's prose books [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 61-89]
  • Personal verbs Compound-exceptional Verbs and How to Distinguish them in a Sentence [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 123-153]
  • Phonetic layer The Phonetic Structure of Language in the Poetry of Seyyed Hasan Hoseini [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 93-122]
  • Pierre Bourdieu Rhetorical-action (Bourdieusian) reading of Morgh-e-Anjir, pygmalion and Seda-Khone by GholamHossein Sa’edi [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 195-230]
  • Poem music Examining the aspects of musical de-familiarization of Mahmoud Kiyanoosh children's poems [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 263-286]
  • Pronoun Aesthetics of Pronoun in Morsal Prose based on the Jakobson's Metonymic Pole of the Language [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 307-332]
  • Prose books Methods of Persian word selection and word- making in Naser Khosrow's prose books [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 61-89]


  • Rhetorical works Onomastics of Rhetorical Books from the Perspective of Meaning, Semantic Core, Transparency, and Opacity [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 65-92]
  • Rhyming Dictionary Grammatical and Rhetorical Analysis of the Al-wāfi fī Te‘dāde-l Qawāfī by Mohammad 'Assar-e Tabrizi [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 227-252]
  • Rumi Rhetorical and linguistic critique of the first book of "Comprehensive Description of Masnavi Manavi" by Karim Zamani [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 89-117]


  • Salman Savoji Critique of the speech acts of interrogative sentences in Salman Savoji's odes [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 317-348]
  • Sanayi Comparison of the Use of Verb in Love and Qalandari Lyrics of Sanayi [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 203-226]
  • Semantic core Onomastics of Rhetorical Books from the Perspective of Meaning, Semantic Core, Transparency, and Opacity [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 65-92]
  • Seyyed Ashraf-al-din Gilani Irony in Nasim-e-Shomal’s Poetry [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 9-38]
  • Seyyed Hasan Hoseini The Phonetic Structure of Language in the Poetry of Seyyed Hasan Hoseini [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 93-122]
  • Social Literature Irony in Nasim-e-Shomal’s Poetry [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 9-38]
  • Soleiman al-Issa Metaphor in Children's Poetry Composed by Mahmoud Kianoush and Soleiman al-Issa [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 253-276]
  • Soorabadi Interpretation Evaluation and Analysis of Special Syntactical and Writing Features of Soorabadi Interpretation [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 91-118]
  • Special Adjective A New Look at a Kind of Special and General Adjective in Persian Language [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 39-60]
  • Stylistics The Phonetic Structure of Language in the Poetry of Seyyed Hasan Hoseini [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 93-122]
  • Substitutable An Analysis of Substitutable Linguistic Elements in the Works of Holy Defense Based on "Lashkar-e Khooban" [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 37-62]
  • Suvashun A New Look at a Kind of Special and General Adjective in Persian Language [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 39-60]
  • Symphony of the Dead A New Look at a Kind of Special and General Adjective in Persian Language [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 39-60]
  • Syntactical and writing Analysis Evaluation and Analysis of Special Syntactical and Writing Features of Soorabadi Interpretation [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 91-118]


  • The music of the poem The Phonetic Structure of Language in the Poetry of Seyyed Hasan Hoseini [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 93-122]
  • Transparency Onomastics of Rhetorical Books from the Perspective of Meaning, Semantic Core, Transparency, and Opacity [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 65-92]


  • Verb Usage Comparison of the Use of Verb in Love and Qalandari Lyrics of Sanayi [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 203-226]
  • Vulgarity of Rhyme Vulgarity and Plagiarisms in Mo’ezzi's Divan [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 119-153]


  • Word-making and Word Selection Methods of Persian word selection and word- making in Naser Khosrow's prose books [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 61-89]
  • Writing Rite Writing and editing pathology of civil law based on Persian grammar [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2021, Pages 287-315]


  • Zahiruddin Faryabi A Comparative Study of Internal Music in the Lyrical Poems of Anvari Abivardi and Zahiruddin Faryabi [Volume 11, Issue 19, 2021, Pages 155-182]