Rhetorical function of preposing and postposing the main elements of the sentence in Garshaspnameh and the story of Bizhan and Manizheh of Shahnameh

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran

3 PhD. Student in Persian Language and Literature, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran



The position of words in a sentence and its effect on rhetoric is one of the most important topics that Abdul Qahir Jorjani has raised in "Nazm" theory. He examines the position of elements under the heading of "preposing and postposing", and, of course, in relation to definition and refinement. Jorjani’s ideas are consistent with information construction and subject-information construction in Halliday's "Functional Grammar" theory which focuses on lexical arrangement in sentences. Vocabulary arrangement can be considered as one of the most prominent features and the basis of syntactic structure in the Garshaspnameh and the story of Bijan and Manijeh. Therefore, in this study, we have examined the prepositions and postpositions of the main elements of a sentence and analyzed the rhetorical function of each in about 3000 sentences of the two poems. In this regard, first we examine the frequency of preposing and postposing of the main elements in sentences which have a subject and also the sentences with a deleted subject in the mentioned range of two poems. Then we have entered the statistics in the tables representing the distribution in terms of number and percentage creating a precise analogy between the poems. Then, with reference to the table related to each section, we have analyzed the rhetorical function of the elements according to its position in the sentence. The results of the research suggest that in addition to compulsion in observing the meter, rhetorical intentions such as emphasis, paying tribute, humiliation, confinement, etc. have a significant effect on preposing and postposing the main elements of the sentence, and on the position and order of words in Ferdowsi and Asadi Tusi's poems. The Main rhetorical method of the two poets is their foregrounding of of the main elements, especially the verb as a means of emphasis.


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