Rhetorical and linguistic critique of the first book of "Comprehensive Description of Masnavi Manavi" by Karim Zamani

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD in Persian Language and Literature, Qom University, Qom, Iran

2 Associate Professor Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Qom, Qom, Iran



Up to now, many descriptions have been written on Rumi's Masnavi, one of which is the "Comprehensive Description of the Masnavi Manavi". This description is of interest to researchers in the field of Rumi due to its comprehensiveness and the relative needlessness for the audience to refer to other descriptions written on Masnavi. Despite the great efforts of Professor Karim Zamani in compiling the writings of other commentators and the explanation of some verses, there are some shortcomings in this description. The authors of this research, with full respect to Professor Karim Zamani, intend to critique and review the first book of the "Comprehensive Description of the Masnavi Manavi" by relying on the situational context of the verses and the signs of the text. Certainly, the critique of all the verses of this book is beyond the capacity of this research; Therefore, in this study, by categorizing the reasons for the deficiencies in the first book of this description and giving one or more related examples, an attempt will be made to provide a brief picture of the linguistic and rhetorical shortcomings of this description. Through reviewing the first book of this description, we found that due to such things as: ignoring the thematic context, being satisfied with the external meaning and not mentioning the esoteric and mystical meaning of the verses, incorrect reading of the verses, irrelevant explanations in the Brackets with the main purpose of the verse, ignoring the shift of the speaker and the addressee of the verses, ignoring the run-on-lines, etc., the meaning of some verses of Masnavi is contrary to the main intention and meaning intended by Rumi, and there is still a lack of proper description of the Masnavi Manavi.


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