Comparison of the Use of Verb in Love and Qalandari Lyrics of Sanayi

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Razi, Kermanshah, Iran

2 MA in Persian Language and Literature, University of Razi, Kermanshah, Iran



Verb is the most important element of a sentence. The way verbs are used in a work shows the author's concern to create layers of meaning and effective communication with the audience as well as psychological functions. Can a verb be divided into extroverted, introverted, and neutral the same as characters are? The findings of this descriptive-analytical article give a positive answer. Examining Sanayi's sonnets, it suggests that because Sanayi, in love sonnets, deals with erotic and earthly loves of the Ghaznavid period, he has an extroverted tendency and uses action, movement and extroverted verbs. However, Sanayi in his Qalandari lyric poems which express the mystical concepts and meanings with lyrical words, romantic and norm-breaking, shows meaning, freshness of the mood, the depth of his spiritual experience, and the multilayered nature of speech, by using introverted verbs. In this section, introverted verbs show concepts such as revelation, intuition, inner knowledge, and attention to inner and spiritual conditions. The difference in the way verbs are used in his sonnets shows that there was a logical relationship between Sanayi 's changing life/action and his renewing ideas. The high frequency of the use of the imperative and indicative verbs (to be, to know...) in Qalandariat, confirms the didactic aspect of literature.


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