Irony in Nasim-e-Shomal’s Poetry

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, University of Mazandaran, Mazandaran, Iran

2 MA in Persian Language and Literature, University of Mazandaran, Mazandaran, Iran



Irony is an ambiguous word or phrase in which the secondary meaning is of more importance. Irony enjoys a great capacity to convey the meaning which cannot be directly expressed. Although Irony dates back to ancient Greece, classical and even contemporary Persian works have greatly benefited from this figure. Recently, it has been recognized as a notable rhetorical technique and in some cases, it is considered identical to humor, ambiguity, satire, mockery or parody, etc. However, each of these figures includes only a part of the function of Irony. To explain his thoughts amid the political and social repression of the Constitutional Age, Nasim-e-Shomal(Seyyed Ashraf-al-din Hussaini),  had no choice but to express his liberal thoughts indirectly. Therefore, Irony and its variants could be found in his poems abundantly. This research was conducted through descriptive-analytical method using library sources. Using irony, Nasim-e-shomal eliminated boredom and monotony caused by the repetition of themes. In his poems, Irony is mostly used consciously in his poems where it is the result of the poet being Ironic rather than being seen as ironic by the reader. Taking his irony as humor limits the deep potentials of his poems. Seyyed Ashraf-al-din’s ironic language provides a wide ground to create irony. The Ironies used in his poems are not rare. Furthermore, they are often as simple as the language of his poems.


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