Metaphor in Children's Poetry Composed by Mahmoud Kianoush and Soleiman al-Issa

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Yazd, Yazd, Iran

2 MA in Children's and Young Adults Literature, Payam Noor University of Taft, Yazd, Iran



Mahmoud Kianoush, known as the Father of children's poetry in Iran, is one of the contemporary poets who composes simple and straightforward poems. Kianoush's poetry is the reflection of his thoughts and contemplation on the innate relationship between human and nature. Kianoush is a poet whose mind is abundant with people's issues. Among his works, there are 8 books which are specifically written as poems for children and young adults: The Language of Things, Indian Green Parrot, Gold Tip < /em>- Silver Wing, Garden of Stars, World's Children, Seven-Colored Arch, the Sun of our House, and Poem by Poem. Considering literary status, Kianoush's poetry can be considered among the most eminent kinds of poetry. The figures of his poetry include imagery especially simile, metaphor, and personification. Soleiman al-Issa is one of the outstanding Syrian poets whose predominant themes are motherland and ethnic sentiments. He has dedicated a major part of his odes (poems) to children especially to suffering Arab children. In his odes, Soleiman al-Issa uses some types of imagery which are easily understood by children. The variety of nominal, verbal, explicit, and implicit metaphors are especially noticed in his poetry.  Also, he uses Personification which creates synesthesia and enlivens his poems. Focusing on metaphors, the present study aims to analyze and investigate children's poetry composed by the two Persian and Arab poets, Mahmoud Kianoush and Soleiman al-Issa.


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