Mersad-ol ‘Ebad: Archaism in language and Literariness in Musicality

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MA in Persian Language and Literature, University of Oromiyye, Oromiyye, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Mako Branch, Mako, Iran



Mersad-ol ‘Ebad, is one of the important mystical works in Persian prose. Najm Razi in this mystical work uses an eloquent style of expression and rhythmic language to convey teachings of Sufism. In this work, aspects of simple and complicated prose are mixed . As far as language and linguistic elements are concerned, the Author is influenced by simple prose(Nasr-e Morsal). Yet, use of rhythmic language and musicality categorizes his work among those with complicated prose . The present article investigates the work’s archaic language and musicality focusing on parallel, pun, and assonance. The use of obsolete words which had been out of fashion in his time, as well as using old grammatical forms shows the author’s interest in linguistic archaism. The author’s abundant use of parallelism in assonance proves his attempt at composing rhythmic prose.  The method of research is analytic-descriptive.


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