The Phonetic Structure of Language in the Poetry of Seyyed Hasan Hoseini

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar Branch, Garmsar, Iran

2 Assistant Professor Persian language and literature, Applied Linguistics Research Center, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen Branch, Roudehen, Iran.

3 PhD in Persian language and literature, Applied Linguistics Research Center, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen Branch, Roudehen, Iran.



Layered stylistics is identified as of one of the modern approaches in literary criticism analyzing the literal texts based on the five linguistic layers. The present article is based on analytical-descriptive method in order to identify and compare the phonetic layer of the language in the poems of Seyyed Hasan Hoseini. This research has also illustrated phonetic components in the poems including external and internal sides, as well as the semantic music. The findings of this study suggest that phonetic features of the poems have been realized far beyond pleasure and coloring in the function of their external music. In fact, the poets concern with the social realism is discovered by analyzing the phonetic structure in the form of external music. Using phonetic structure and mixing its various features, Hoseini has set to critique his society. The semantic music has helped the poet to create accurate images. As a result, this layer of stylistics has provided the audience with moving, poetic images.


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