Critique of the speech acts of interrogative sentences in Salman Savoji's odes

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Candidate in Persian language and literature, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.

2 Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.



The present study has investigated the speech acts in the interrogative sentences in Salman Savoji's poetry in a descriptive-analytical method. The research findings show that there is a coherent link between Salman's language and his thought i.e. the poet uses language appropriate to his audiences’ position and social status. Salman has used the most questions in his expressive acts. First, he seeks to convince the audience and attract their participation and approval. Salman uses these questions to express his views and gain the approval of the person who is eulogized. Second, he seeks to exaggerate, highlight, and emphasize the content of the speech which corresponds to the texture of the ode, the descriptions, exaggerations and imaginative praises of a eulogy. To observe the didactic aspect of his poetry, and also to maintain the high dignity of the eulogized person, Salman, in the persuasive acts, avoids the direct asking of his request. Doing so, he lowers the obligatory and reprimanding connotation of his words resulting in the audience’s lack of willing to oppose him. Expressive acts usually have close and intertwined meanings. This conceptual affinity creates a vast network of intertwined concepts or "conceptual auras." Therefore it becomes possible to engage the audience's feelings in reading the text and strengthen the desired effect by reinforcing the emotional richness of the words. The speaker's words are explicit and unambiguous in commissive acts, so due to the multi-layered nature of literary texts, this act has little place in poetry.


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