A Comparative Study of Internal Music in the Lyrical Poems of Anvari Abivardi and Zahiruddin Faryabi

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student in Persian language and literature, University of Arak , Arak, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature,University of Qom, Qom, Iran



Anvari and Zahir al-Din Faryabi are two of the most influential Poets in the history of Persian poetry. These two have had a major impact on Persian lyrical poetry. This article is a research on the most important manifestations of poetic music in the sonnets of these two poets. After providing an introduction to these two poets influence on the evolution and promotion of Ghazal, in a descriptive-analytical manner, the article explores the inner music (verbal novelty) in their sonnets presenting diagrams. The analysis of statistics has suggested these results: both poets have used internal music in inducing concepts and influencing the audience. Despite composing only a small number of lyric poems, Zahir Faryabi has been able to take advantage of the musical features of literary figures as well as of the mood of the audience to contribute to the promotion of musicality in language. Figures like alliteration, repetition, and perfect pun are of highest importance in creating verbal musicality.. Anvari also benefits a lot from this type of music. He has become more successful than Zahir in this field, especially in use of pun, alliteration and repetition. In general, both poets have played an important and fundamental role in promoting novel figures in their simultaneous reliance on the speaker, the text and the audience.


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