An Innovative and Poetic Quality in Tarikh-e Jahangusha

Document Type : Academicm and Research


1 Ph.D. Graduate in Persian Language and Literature, Razi University

2 Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Razi University

3 Ph.D. Student in Persian Language and Literature, Razi University



Tarikh-e Jahangushay-eJuwaynī (The History of the World Conqueror) is one of the most invaluable rhetorical prose works in Persian literature. The author, Ata Malik Juwaynī, has attempted to present a valid historical account throughout the book to give his readers some information about the state of Mongols in the royal court and their tyranny. In alignment with the existing style in that period, the author has deployed a figurative language as well as rhetorical intricacies and illustrative elements to convey his message. The poetic and figurative language has given Juwaynī the opportunity to use idiomatic and multidimensional meanings in his book. A thoughtful choice has been made by Juwaynī in selecting the book tittle.  Furthermore, Persian writing has witnessed enormous change since the past, for instance, the alphabetical letters representing the sounds “P, Ch, Zh, and G” were written by the similar letters representing the sounds “B, J, Z, and K” back then so the reader had to understand actual terms in context. Using descriptive analysis and library resources, this study attempted to determine the artistic purpose behind choosing the book title by Juwaynī. Figurative qualities, rhetorical art, and aesthetics have always been favored by Juwaynī and his book title is seen as a praising entitle by Mongols while Iranians regard it disapproving and full of reproach.


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