The Reflection of Words Melody on Creating Epic Atmosphere in Borzunameh

Document Type : Academicm and Research


1 Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Chamran University

2 Ph.D. Student in Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Chamran University



Borzunameh written by Attaii Razi has a special state among Persian celebrated epic works. What has made the poems of Attaii distinguished among others is his appropriate use of rhythmic words as well as the cohesion and coherence of his poetry. A technique used by Attaii for giving flexibility to the words and creating an epic and passionate atmosphere is to apply rich epic rhythm in his discourse. His metrical style of poetry has given an energetic and zealous tone to his poems bringing great joy to the audience. Understanding the metrical characteristics leading to the epic atmosphere in Barzunameh can familiarize the readers with the manifestation of various techniques used by this great epic poet. This study attempted to analyze a variety of metrical features such as the melody of letters, morphological derivations, synonyms and coordinations, ringing words as well as prefix verbs in the poems of Attaii. The authors in this study concluded that giving melody to the poems and creating affinity between the reader and profound epic concepts were among Attaii Razi’s main motives to focus on rhythm in his discourse.


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