Rhetoric in the Course of Persian poetic styles

Document Type : Academicm and Research


Rhetoric is one of the main branches of eloquence that seeks to establish a lasting link between literary works and their audience by introducing linguistic capacities. Hence, the main subject of this knowledge encompasses a review of how literary works and their creators are connected to the relevant audience tastes of various periods. Since poetic styles and audience tastes undergo too many changes, it is necessary to shift rhetoric discourses. This article endeavored to deal with the ups and downs of rhetoric throughout the different examples of poetic styles in a descriptive, analytic, and comparative manner and answer the question whether it has kept pace with the poetic developments and the audience changing tastes of Persian poetry. The current research demonstrated there has been little change in rhetoric despite many changes in terms of rhythm or measure, semantics, language, style, and audience of Persian poetry. Thus, this knowledge efficiency in the criticism of Persian poetic eloquence has lessened. Obviously, presentation of practical examples of the aspects of eloquence in the course of different poetic styles can reveal the strengths and weaknesses of rhetoric and provide a context for its development and effectiveness


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