Intertextual analysis of the "Fereydoon had three sons" novel by Abbas Maroofi with the story of "Fereydoon" in Shahnameh

Document Type : Academicm and Research



Intertextual criticism concerns the analysis and review of the literature and with respect to the properties of postmodern novels, the intertextual analysis seems to be necessary. Post modern novels have some properties including stream of consciousness, back to past and its criticism, presence of the historical characters and previous literary texts, creating questions and engaging the reader with the text, emphasizing the infinity of the meaning and indeterminacy. Components of the post modern novels are clear in the literary works of Abbas Maroofi, famous contemporary novelist, including Farhad’s body, symphony of the dead, Fereydoon had three sons. This study, based on the theories of intertextuality specially dialogism to analyze of the "Fereydoon had three sons," novel.
this study shows that the author demonstrate by myth, mankind's eternal struggle to seize power. As well as he achieved through the implications of the new semantic, Carnival-ism and polyphonic in novel reinterpretation and a different reading of the story Fereydoun kingdom.


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