Personality Psychology of Zeidari Nasavi Based on Introversion and Extraversion Aspects

Document Type : Academicm and Research


Personality psychology of literary authors is a branch of the emerging knowledge called literature psychology. This research approach investigates the impact of personality traits of authors on forming the inner structure and aesthetic aspect of literature. Nafsat al-Masdur is one of the valuable sources for exploration in this regard. With self-revelation and tangible presence in his works, Zeidari provides the opportunity for the researcher to meet his ends. The present article attempts to explore the personality of Zeidari based on the ideas of two well-known psychologists, Jung and Halland, regarding introversion and extraversion and it also aims to study social, artistic, adventurous, emotional, and intuitive extroverted aspects, and also the emotional introverted aspect in his character. This research delves into the impact of these personality traits on the inner and outer structure and also the aesthetic aspect of literary work. The results of the research study show that Zeidari has had a balanced personality highly inclined to extraversion. His personality types include emotionally extroverted, intuitively extroverted, artistically introverted, adventurous, social, and emotionally introverted which have affected his works. 
