Psychological novel and works of Sepideh Shamloo

Document Type : Academicm and Research


Psychological genre is a domain at which popular literature and elitist literature join together, and thereby creating some works that are considered attractive to both types of readers. This genre, in both scientific aspect and artistic narrative style, gains benefit from breakthroughs in psychology and its various branches especially psychoanalysis. In this method of storytelling, in order to represent life and human identity, the author directly takes human mind and soul into account. Psychology makes the author pass through human's subconciousness so that he can express sources of personality and social disorders and anomalies using his mental reflections and imagination. Sepideh Shamloo is one of the successful contemporary authors whose specialty is in writing psychology genre. To analyze her critical thinking especially regarding women's issue, Shamloo applies psychology. The present research study investigates psychological genre and novel in her works. The results show that in addition to applying such knowledge in her storytelling and its narrative elements, especially characterization, Shamloo has particularly and noticeably included names, techniques, terms, and information of this knowledge into the plot of her stories.


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