The Reflection of the Artistic Language of Nahj al-Balagha in Sayyid Jafar Shahidi's Translation (With an Emphasis on Sermons, Letters and Wisdoms)

Document Type : Academicm and Research


1 Associate professor, University of Qom

2 Associate professor, Farhangian University, College of Hazrat – e Masoumeh; and Al-Mustafa International University


A collection of Imam Ali's (AS) sermons, letters and wisdom is called properly Nahj al-Balagha (Guidance of salvation) by its compiler, Sayyid Sharif Razi. Its rhetoric is visualized and its eloquence is achieved. In terms of its lack of the disturbing sense of brevity and long boring, all of its pretty standards are completed and from long time ago to our era proponents and opponents have confirmed it. Among common people like Abd al-Hamid al-Katib, Sheikh Muhammad Abduh and among the selected ones like Sayyid Razi, Sayyid Jafar Shahidi all have enamored its rhetoric and eloquence .Sayings of Imam Ali (AS) as literal and spiritual adorned with a variety of offerings and innovative that trimmed from the human redundancy is known as "akh-al Quran". From a long time ago, there was a rhetoric loss in the Persian translation of the sayings of Imam Ali (AS), the most prominent words in the field of rhetoric that professor Sayyid Jafar Shahidi the great translator has been fulfilled this old wish. Professor Shahidi relying on the verbal elegance and Arabic figures of speech and Persian words coped with this important issue. His first translation of Nahj al-Balagha is the only translation that shows part of the beauty of dawn doubles figures of Imam Ali's poetry. In this paper the reflection and narrative eloquence and elegance words of Imam Ali (AS), in the first sermon, the first letter and the wisdom of Nahj al-Balagha, have been investigated in Prof. Shahidi's translation.


  1. کتابنامه

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