The Effect of the Khorasani Style in Iranian Paintings

Document Type : Academicm and Research


1 PhD, lecturer, Islamic Azad Uneversity, Central Tehran Branch

2 Associate professor, Islamic Azad Uneversity, Central Tehran Branch


Feeling is a common language of human beings and literature and arts are the language for expressing of this sensation. Literature is the language of speech and writing and the arts show the reflection of the literature as images. Nature is the best and the most informative image for poets and artists. The natural elements have been inspiring the poets especially in Khorasani style and in the works of Ferdowsi, Rudaki, Manuchehri and Nezami. Literature and painting have an undeniable link and we see this link between the Khorasani style and the Harat style of miniature in its highest form. It may be said that the literary aesthetics of art, not only begins with the Khorasani style, but this style seems to be at its highest level. Writings, architectures, paintings, coffee houses paintings and … are the evolved examples that prove the hypothesis that the Khorasani style is the mother of Persian pictoraial literature.


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