An Investigation and Analysis of Rhetorical Functions of Interlocutory Prose in Fihi Ma Fihi

Document Type : Academicm and Research



The basis of oration is to convince and to encourage the interlocutor and to speak effectively.  This technique is interpreted as “eloquence” and “rhetoric”. Since speech is the result of the mutual relationship between the speaker and the interlocutor, it’s essential to know the status and the perspective of the interlocutor in order to make speech effective. This cognition is reached just when the interlocutor is present and his perspectives and attitudes are sensible and tangible for the speaker. Jalāl al-Dīn Mohammad Mawlawi in his book Fihi Ma Fihi, which is a collection of his oral speeches at the presence of his audience and followers, has tried to impact on his listeners and to teach them his messages. The present study aims to investigate the variety of interlocutory statements and their functions in the prose of Fihi Ma Fihi using descriptive analysis. The results of this study reveals that Mawlawi, in order to express his internal emotions and to effectively and convincingly transfer his mystical and ethical thoughts to the audience throughout his book Fihi Ma Fihi, in addition to declarative sentences has made use of a variety of compositions and interlocutory sentences (imperatives, negative imperatives, interrogative and exclamatory sentences) to create emphasis, advice, premonition, guidance, encouragement and in general to maintain connection with his interlocutor. This way is consistent with didactic proselytism of Mawlawi. Interrogative sentences and imperatives have the highest frequency among interlocutory sentences in the prose of Fihi Ma Fihi.
