Literary Art and Art Literature

Document Type : Academicm and Research


1 Department of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Tehran center

2 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University of Tehran, Supervisor Resale


     Art and literature are two ways of creation, which are interrelated from an aesthetic point of view. Art sometimes alters its aesthetic form, which can be done through reconstruction of language, understanding and perception.
     From a point of view, literature can be called art when a literary work has the unique features of an artistic work, that is, a work has been created and is not repeatable, because literature and art express an artist's feelings and affections which cannot easily be restated and repeated. Artistic creation is a kind of inspiration which is not understood by reason and logic. It can be said that beauty is the same in different arts; and painting, music and poetry are closely related because they originate from man's soul and are not so much related to material. The present paper investigates the interrelationship and mutual influence of literature and art.


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