Review and analysis of the novel "I turned the lights on" in terms of language and gender

Document Type : Academicm and Research


PhD in Persian language and literature


The review and analysis of Persian literary works in terms of their language and gender is a relatively new issue which needs extensive research. The first theories on the issue were proposed by Robin Lakoff in his famous article "language and woman's place" which made a great development in sociolinguistic studies. For the first time, he proclaimed that men's language is different from that of women. His theories mostly suggested that manly tone dominates the language. In Iran, women's entrance into social and cultural atmospheres is of little record. Regarding the fact that women were not regarded the audience and readers of literary works, that men mostly wrote for men and manly language was regarded the best one in the past, we should wait to see whether women can create a language proper to the gender of their protagonists at the time when they have found an opportunity to enter into the field of writing novels and have written great novels so far. Zoya Pirzad is a contemporary female novelist who has attained a proper position among other novelists and received the rewards of PEKA (Institute for distribution of Iran's books) and Hooshang Golshiri Foundation for her novel as the best novel of the year and the reward of the book of the year from Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance etc. for writing some novels, particularly the novel "I will turn off the light".  Due to the position of this female novelist and her famous novel among contemporary novelists, the present paper seeks to review the aforementioned novel and study the dialogs of its protagonists in terms of language and gender in order to evaluate her success in this regard. The results show that she has been successful in many cases and has gone beyond linguistic norms in terms of dealing with issues specific to genders. However, she has failed in some cases, particularly in dealing with colors.


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