Emphasis in Naserkhosrows verses

Document Type : Grammatical-rhetorical


Professor of the Department of Persian Language and Literature, Arak University, Arak, Iran



Each poet may emphasize certain topics and concepts. Naser Khosrow Qobadiani is one of the first poets of Persian language who used his poetry to promote and explain his religious and political beliefs. Therefore, there is a special intensity in his expression, which he realised through the use of emphasis. Emphasis is a subject that has two grammatical and rhetorical aspects, and it is presented in two parts: general and specific. In this article, the methods of emphasis in Naser Khosrow's poetry have been extracted, categorized, described and analyzed by the induction method of both parts. The general emphasis in his poems includes repetition of the same word, synonyms, descriptions, inflections, connections, exaggerations, contrasts, and brevity. Also, special emphasis includes methods of emphasizing nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, verbs, and sentences. The main purpose of his emphasis is to explain and highlight the issues and concepts that are considered true in his opinion, and by using those methods, he wants to provide the basis for persuasion and acceptance of the audience. In terms of the frequency, emphasis through repetition, especially with puns and foregrounding, is more frequent and also more creative. In the special emphasis, the emphasis of the verb and sentence has a special place in his poetry.


Main Subjects

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