Analyzing and examining the form of the verb in the sonnets "Laleh Sirab" and "Haraj Eshgh" by Shahriar with an emphasis on Halliday’s role-oriented theory

Document Type : Grammar


Associate Professor Department of Persian Language and Literature, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran.



Since the beginning of its origin, language has been a carrier of certainty and possibility, and Halliday’s role-oriented theory is a vehicle for evaluating this matter. In this research, we examine and evaluate the place of certainty or probability in the text by relying on Halliday’s role-oriented theory and using the method of qualitative analysis, through the form of verbs in the use of verbs and this question will be answered that according to Halliday’s role-oriented theory, in Laleh Sirab's and Haraj Eshgh's poems by Shahryar, which of the aspects of verbs in Persian language have more frequency than others, and what does this indicate in relation to the two-way relationship between word and meaning? Halliday's role-oriented theory allows us to determine and examine the degree of certainty or probability in the text according to the choice of words that the poet has used to convey the meaning. Quantitative and qualitative evidences obtained from the analysis of the aspect in the two mentioned sonnets based on Halliday’s role-oriented theory show that in the category of the verb, Informative form with the highest frequency and high degree of certainty is the strong position and authority of the poet in expressing the reality of his romantic situations. The resulting lava shows symptoms of the lover and objections to him. After the informative case, imperative and imperative cases exist with low frequency.


Main Subjects

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