Metaphor and Metonymy in the Process of Desire in the Novel Don't Worry based on Lacan's Theory

Document Type : Rhetoric


1 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D. of Persian language and literature, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran



Jacques Lacan is one of the thinkers who uses metaphor and metonymy - which are specialized terms in the science of rhetoric and linguistics - to explain the psychoanalytic concept of desire. In his view, desire begins through the intervention of a paternal metaphor and may always establish itself in a virtual process. Based on the occurrence of disorder in the metaphorical and figurative process, Lacan explained what type of psychosis the patient suffered from and what caused him/her to suffer. In this research, using the qualitative analysis method and based on the metaphorical and metonymic process intended by Lacan, the subject's desire (Shadi) in Mahsa MohebAli’s novel "Don't Worry" has been explained. Also, based on the mentioned model and criterion, the main character’s psychosis and her falling out of the scope of subjectivity have been explained. The results of the research show that the process of desire in Shadi's character worked metaphorically and accordingly, She was an obsessional subject. Shadi wants to hasten the satisfaction of his desire in order to achieve the phallus as soon as possible. She suffers from contiguity disorder, which refers to the impossibility of making metonymy. Shadi can not desire except when the signifiers related to the problem that caused her trauma are available to her.


Main Subjects

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