Review and Analysis of the Grammar-syntactic Foundations of the Treatise Mafatih al-Dariyya fi Ithbat al-Qawanin al-Dariyya

Document Type : Grammar


Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature Department, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran.



This article aims to provide a clear picture of this treatise and its theoretical approaches in the field of Persian grammar and syntax. Due to the fact that Mafatih al-Dariyyah is considered one of the earliest grammar books, knowing it is very useful for understanding the grammatical background of the Persian language and for providing a complete picture of the evolution of the historical grammar. This research was done by descriptive-analytical method based on library sources and including manuscripts by examining, describing and analyzing. Also the grammatical pattern of this work has been introduced in this research. As a result of this research, it becomes clear that the treatise of Mafatih al-Dariyyah was largely influenced by Arabic grammar and did not go beyond the mere category of derivation of words in Persian. The author of this treatise, while explaining the rules in each of the grammatical subjects, has taken examples that are suitable for the subject; However, the sentence unit and its role in the Persian structure and syntax have not been paid attention to. Considering conjugation, words are considered to be nouns, verbs, and letters. As far as past tense verbs are considered, three types are deemed enough.Also in present tense obligatory participle and concrete continuous participle have not been taken into consideration. Imitating the Arabic tense for the Persian imperative, the absent imperative type is taken into account, and there is no mention of the future verb type with the auxiliary verb of wanting.


Main Subjects

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