Analysis and Investigation of Mediating Consonants in Persian language with a linguistic and Historical Approach

Document Type : Grammar


Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran.



Language, as the most important social institution, is a very complex and extensive system that follows certain designs and patterns in order to be able to create communication by combining phonemes and creating larger language units in the axis of chain or association. It makes it possible among the speakers. One of the most important patterns governing the combination of phonemes is the presence of mediating phonemes when combining morphemes with each other. Considering the fact that when morphemes are combined, certain intermediate phonemes appear in different positions, the question is raised, what is the reason for the presence of intermediates in this position? And why are different consonant phonemes used as mediators in different places? And what is the origin of the diversity of mediating phonemes? The present essay seeks to investigate this category in a descriptive and analytical method with a linguistic and historical approach. The obtained results show that there are ten intermediate phonemes in the Persian language, some of which are considered dead and uncommon, some of them were common during the growth and development of the Persian language, and some of them are rooted in colloquial language: the reason for the presence of mediators should be found in the rule of vowel conjugation and the diversity of the use of mediator consonants in the process of lateral erosion in the past, and the need to revive the deleted phoneme due to vowel conjugation.


Main Subjects

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