Conjunction and Disjunction in Garshaspnameh and the Story of Bijan and Manijeh of Shahnameh

Document Type : Rhetoric


1 Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran.

2 PhD Graduate of Persian Language and Literature, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran



"Conjunction and disjunction" is considered one of the most sensitive subjects of the science of semantics, which is important in understanding the syntactic and rhetorical details of literary works, and has always had a special place among traditional and modern rhetoricians. The story of Bijan and Manijeh from Ferdowsi's Shahnameh and Asadi Tusi's Garshaspnameh can be considered the most important epic works in Persian literature which will provide researchers with many capacities in the comparative analysis of syntactic rhetoric in reflecting the grammatical and rhetorical features of the two works. In this research, in order to understand the intentions and rhetorical meanings hidden in two works, the type of construction of semantic units at different levels such as clause, sentence, verse and even verses with related and interdependent meaning (enjambment) and the combination of each of these levels have been investigated. In this regard, we have studied the coherence of the text through the continuity or discontinuity of the rhetorical meanings in each of the mentioned levels, and by specifying the distribution of conjunctions and knowing their types, we have examined and compared their rhetorical functions in two works. The results of the research indicate that Ferdowsi and Asadi Tusi, by creating a kind of temporal and spatial connection and cause-and-effect link between the sentences and by benefiting from all kinds of subordinating and dependent connections (conjunctions) in conjunctions as well as observing the temporal and logical order between the sentences in the disjunctions, have created a strong and logical link in the text and a special semantic coherence in the chain of narration of events.


Main Subjects

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