The coherence of Mura'at al-Nazir in Hosseini's elegies (a comparative study of Seyyed Bahrul Uloom and Mir'aza's poems)

Document Type : Rhetoric


1 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and iterature, University of Qom, Qom, Iran

2 PhD student of Arabic language and literature, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran

3 PhD student of jurisprudence and fundamentals of law, University of Qom, Qom, Iran



Elegy about Imam Hussain (AS) and Ashura poems are very important in Arabic and Persian literature to some extent that the poets have addressed its various aspects and the mourners have dedicated the most impressive part of their poems to it. Focusing on the principle of coherence as the most important criterion of text formation, the present article tries to examine the coherence between the elements of the text by Mura'at al- Nazir. Seyyed Bahrul Uloom and Mir'aza have used this literary array a lot so that its abundant and appropriate use has made their poems coherent. This article, with a descriptive-analytical method, examines the coherence resulting from Mura'at al- Nazir in the poems of these two poets in a comparative way. In this way, firstly, the theoretical topics, the definition of coherence and compliance are presented based on library resources. This thesis continues to discuss Mura'at al-Nazir in Hosseini's elegies (a comparative study of Seyyed Bahrul Uloom and Mir 'aza's poems and at the end, it examines and analyzes the coherence of Mura'at al- Nazir by relying on the examples extracted from the poems. One of the achievements of the research is that both poets use Mura'at al-Naz through combination with other figures of speech such as: simile, antonym, metaphor, and allusion for more harmony and proportion according to different themes. Both poets have a coherent text, but Mir'aza's poems, considering that the audience of his poems is common people, therefore his poems have a sadder emotion and also, his poems seem simpler and smoother.


Main Subjects

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