Narrative Strategies in the Critical Discourses of the novel "Jazirey-e sargardani" by Daneshvar based on the Level of Description (Linguistic and Rhetorical Analysis) of Norman Fairclough's Approach

Document Type : Grammatical-rhetorical


1 Ph.D. in Persian Language and Literature, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran

3 Professor of the Department of Persian Language and Literature, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran



Critical discourse analysis is an approach that examines language as a form of social function and emphasizes on the reproduction of social and political power through text and dialogue. Discourse analysis or speech analysis refers to studies that analyze written, spoken or sign language. Fiction is considered the most serious format in terms of mixing with human, cultural and social dimensions. Therefore, it can be claimed that the capacity of the story in terms of proportionality with the discourse analysis is to the extent that the stories can be considered as the container of the discourse of the author’s time and the mirror of his society. One of the important components in critical discourse is Norman Fairclough's model. Using his components, one can find features in the text that are ignored by normal reading. Due to its unique nature and close links with society and social and political events, the novel "Jazirey-e sargardani" has a lot of significance with the method of discourse analysis and the discovery of its special stylistic elements; By pondering and re-reading it, one can understand the important events and the political currents of Iran and the biggest issues in the minds of the novel's characters. In this research, the interaction and intertextual communication of the discourses of the novel "Jazirey-e sargardani" by Daneshvar, with political-social issues, effective linguistic and paralinguistic features and logical relationships between words are investigated. According to the investigation, these results were obtained: that all the rhetorical and grammatical techniques, including the types of semantic layers, metaphors and their dynamic use, the choice of vocabulary appropriate to the characters, the process of modeling and metaphorical explanation, the selection of the third person point of view, the use of adverbs as (one of the most important linguistic profiles that show the extent and intensity of worldview) and... all serve the author's purpose i.e. to express the historical realities, the contemporary cultural, intellectual and social conditions of Iran and the spiritual and psychological concerns of his personal life.


Main Subjects

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