Basic Topicalization in Manteq-al-Tayr

Document Type : Grammatical-rhetorical


Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature , Yadegar-e-Imam Khomeini (RAH) Shahre Rey Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran



One of the important components in Halliday's systematic role-oriented linguistics is the category of subject-predicate, by means of which the process of initialization and construction of old and new information can be investigated in any text, including Manteq-al- Tayr. Therefore, with the descriptive-analytical method, we are trying to investigate the problem of simple and compound primers according to Michael Halliday's approach in Manteq-al-Tayr. The purpose of the research is to investigate the frequency of the most types of initiators, scrambling, and to explain the verbal purposes hidden in the depth of the textual structure of Manteq-al-Tayr. The results of the research show that the percentage of multiple themes is more than simple themes, which indicates the affinity of the text with the speech, and also, Attar has used all the capacities to facilitate readers' understanding. In the simple themes, the poet has used the initial construction of the verb, more than other initial constructions of object, complement, adjective, interrogative and adverb, which has made the construction of information clauses stand out and marked. Among multiple themes, textual primers have a higher frequency than interpersonal primers. Textual primers have played a significant role in the textual coherence of Manteq-al- Tayr.


Main Subjects

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