Explaining the Components of Aristotelian Rhetoric in Mawlana's Family Letters

Document Type : Rhetoric


Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Institute for Human Sciences and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran



Mawlana Jalaluddin Mohammad Balkhi, a famous poet and mystic of the 7th century, is most famous for his mystical poetry; He also has prose works that have received little attention from researchers. Among his prose works are "Letters" which were written in different times and with specific purposes. On the other hand, as evidenced by his works - such as Majlis Sab'a - besides being a famous poet, Rumi was also an outstanding orator. The hypothesis of the present article is that Rumi's letters have a direct relationship with the audience of the letters; Influenced by Rumi's character - as an orator - it contains signs of rhetorical elements. Therefore, with the approach of rhetorical criticism, Rumi's family letters - as an example of his rhetorical letters - are analyzed based on the components of Aristotelian rhetoric in a descriptive, analytical, and statistical method. Questions of this research are based on the components of Aristotelian rhetoric, What are characteristics of Mowlavi's family letters and according to this, which components did Mowlavi- Rumi- use more and why? In addition to confirming the hypothesis and finding new things about how Rumi communicates with each family member, the achievements of this research suggest that all three components of the Aristotelian rhetoric theory are used in Rumi's family letters, the most part of which is dedicated to the pathos component, keeping in mind the appropriateness of the subject and the necessity of the words in order to impress and persuade the audience.


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