Specific Simile Pronouns, the Most Uncommon Personal Stylistic Feature of Bidel Dehlavi

Document Type : Grammatical-rhetorical


1 Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature Department, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran.



One of the factors behind the complicated and abstruse nature of Bidel Dehlavi's works is the avoidance of conventional linguistic and grammatical traditions as well as ambiguous anti-syntaxes and the use of alien and defamiliarized structures leading to the formation of a personal and unique style in the heart of macro styles. One of these personal stylistic features is the presence of “specific simile pronouns” as one of the most uncommon and ambiguous features of his style. In these types of compounds, the pronoun that is used as a possessive does not belong to the possessor but is the possessor itself. In this paper, the researchers have investigated specific simile pronouns through descriptive and analytical method. The results of the research indicated that Bidel Dehlavi used separate and attached first person and second person personal pronouns in his works, unprecedently and frequently, as tenor and for objectification. The aim of using such similes is to objectify Bidel's most fundamental mystical principle, that is, the helplessness and impotence of the human kind against the eternal lover. To do this, Bidel uses elements such as dust, bubbles, dew, drops, etc. In the meantime, the use of the first person attached pronouns (=م _َ_) and separate pronouns (= منman and maما =) have the highest frequency, and the second person attached pronouns (=_َ_ ت) and separate pronouns ( = توto) have a lower frequency than the first person pronouns.


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