Functional Motivations of Relative Clause Extraposition and its Association with Stylistics in Narrative Texts

Document Type : Grammar


1 PhD candidate of linguistics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.

2 Associate professor of linguistics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.



Khatay-Namih is a Travelogue Belonging to 1506 AD, which was Composed by a Merchant who had Travelled to China. The Current study Probes relative clause Extraposition and its Motivations as a non-obligatory Movement mainly based on Functional and Stylistic Criteria in this Travelogue. In this study, 173 Relative Clauses were Extracted from 173 pages based on Systematic Sampling that Covers more than half of the book. All Relative Clauses were Analyzed based on: their Position, Role of Head NPs and the information Structure of their Verbs. Data Suggest that the rate of Relative clause Extraposition in Khatay-Namih Travelogue is not Remarkable (23%); however, most relative clauses Generally tend to Modify Subject and Object NPs (Keenan & Comrie, 1977). In this book, Relative clauses Function mostly as the Modifier of Adjuncts like adverbs. This study also shows the Significant effect of verb Information Structure on relative clause extraposition, as more than 76% of all extraposed clauses include linking Verbs that seem to have Old-given information. Regarding the Grammatical weight, the Extraposed Relative clauses of Khatay-Namih are heavy showing Degree (4) Compared to the Weight of the Main Clause from which they have been Extracted. In all Factors Studied Including Extraposition Frequency, Head NP role in the Main, and Subordinate clause, head NPs within the relative clause, and relative clause Grammatical weight, Khatay-Namih Travelogue shows a Relative Complexity in the style and Structures of its Sentences which can also be Considered as a Characteristic of the Writing and Prose of the Safaviyeh Period. The fact Coordinates with the Stylistic Criteria of this Period Reported in Different other Works.


Main Subjects

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