Grammatical Metanormatives and Frequently used Rhetorical Techniques in Ghazals of Neyestani, Bahmani and Monzavi

Document Type : Rhetoric


1 PhD Candidate in Persian Language and Literature, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran



deviation is the most effective form of foregrounding the language and includes all the methods that disrupt the conventional rules of the language and lead to defamiliarization. Grammatical deviation is used to remove familiarity from language of poetry and includes avoiding the rules of morphology and syntax governing the language. Every language has a specific grammatical structure, but in poetry, this structural order is ignored. In the field of rhetoric, we come across a set of methods formed in order to highlight the meaning of the poem and lead to rhetorical innovations. The present study , with a descriptive-analytical method, aims to identify, categorize and analyze the basic techniques that have played a significant role in the evolution of contemporary ghazal by reflecting on the ghazals of "Manochehr Neyestani", "Mohammad Ali Bahmani" and "Hossein Monzavi" and answer these questions "what are the commonly used grammar and rhetorical technics that have led to the highlighting of form and meaning in the new ghazal, and which of the mentioned poets has played a more effective role in renewing the image of the ghazal. The findings from the study show that the common rhetorical techniques in the ghazals of these three poets, in addition to the use of other symbols, metaphors, similes, personification and paradoxes, are due to the power of imagination and portraying the unseen and unheard things that have formed in the poet's mind. Grammatical metanormatives common in the ghazals of the mentioned poets in two fields of grammar and syntax include: lexical, temporal and syntactical metanormatives. The extent of using these methods by the mentioned poets is different. Hossein Monzavi is considered one of the pioneers of this field due to the frequency and variety of grammatical metanormatives and rhetorical methods, and he has played a significant role in reinventing the image of ghazal.


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