Grammatical Features in Taghanshah Ibn Nizam Qomi Shahroudi's Dhariranama

Document Type : Grammar


1 Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Qom, Qom, Iran

2 Ph.D. Candidate of Persian language and literature, University of Qom, Qom, Iran



The revenge religious epic Poem Enteghamieh / Zarirnameh by Taghan Shah Ibn Nizam Qommi Shahroudi is one of the prominent examples of religious epic in Persian literature. It was written in the 9th century AH about Zareer Khozai, Muhammad Hanafiyah, Mosayyeb, Taghan, Omar Bin Ali, Fazl Jafar and other heroes taking revenge on Yazid, Omar Saad, Yaqub Asklani, King of Aleppo and other Yazid supporters. The story of the poem begins with the arrival of the caravan of captives of Karbala to Ashqlan and ends with the rescue of Imam Sajjad (a.s.) and the caravan of Karbala from Yazid's grip and finally with Yazid's death. Examining the syntax of the poem is useful for learning more about the epic language of this poem and other religious poems. By examining the poem syntactically , more linguistic and content layers are obtained from this work. In this research, firstly, we have talked about epic, religious epic, the causes of its emergence, and offering some examples. We have also provided a brief introduction about Ibn Nizam and his poems especially Zarirnameh.Then some grammatical points of this work have been examined by citing evidence from the text. We realized that the archaic style is quite evident in it, and it can be considered one of the prominent religious epics deserving more attention in terms of the texture of the story, the power of the words, the appropriate language, and the grammatical structure.


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