An Investigation of the Relationship between Language and Power in the Poem “I miss the garden” by Forough Farrokhzad based on Critical Discourse Analysis and Systemic Functional Grammar

Document Type : Grammar


1 Associate Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D Candidate in Persian Language and Literature, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran



Both critical discourse analysis and the theory of systemic-functional linguistics use a variety of approaches from disciplines such as linguistics and sociology to investigate the interconnections between texts and overall power relations. The three-stage model of description, interpretation, and explanation, as well as terms and concepts, are connected in Fairclough's Approach, while the functional theory is linked to different functions of language and clause terminology, as well as to the three interpersonal, interpersonal, and textual axes. We chose Forough Farrokhzad's poem "I miss you" to investigate the simultaneous application of analytical tools from two theories mentioned to Persian literature, namely the use of functional grammar at the level of description and interpretation of the critical discourse analysis. We considered two main functional purposes. We wanted to present an accurate review of these two theories, followed by a linguistic analysis of this poem. We tried to discover the text’s ideology and its relationship to social structures. In short, we wanted to discover the relationship between the discourse of the text and the power relations of its time. The findings show that this poem inveighs against and rejects not only the Pseudo-modernity that ruled Iran during its time, but also traditional and neutral discourses, as well as tyrannical, nationalistic, and male-dominated systems. On the contrary, Political-social fight, feminism, and humanism are reproduced and articulated. Meanwhile, the tone of the message is critical of the dangerous religious attitudes held by some religious individuals. A bilateral relationship exists between some poetic symbols that invite multiple interpretations and the democratic relations which welcome multiple voices.


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