Structure of Nominal Group in Golestan and Baharestan (Use of Syntax in Literary Stylistics)

Document Type : Grammar


Assistant Professor of the Department of Teaching Farsi to Non-Persian Speakers (AZFA), Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran



Jami has composed Baharestan according to the characteristics of Golestan. Despite the greater tendency of both works to use the pole of "selection" instead of "combination", the problem arises that despite the fact that the two works that are close to each other in terms of style, what characteristics they have in terms of language and what are the linguistic similarities or differences between the two. In this research, the structure of the nominal group (NP) as one of the important structures of the language in a corpus taken from examples from Golestan and Baharestan has been investigated in a descriptive-analytical way. The findings of the research show that the frequency of NPs in Golestan is more than that of Baharestan. Also, the frequency and relative frequency of NPs without dependents is more in Golestan than that of Baharestan. Examining dependents in NPs shows two results that the constructions "head+noun", "head+adjective" and "head+noun group" are the dominant constructions of single dependent NPs and "relative clause" is as the dominant posterior dependent of NPs in Golestan and Baharestan. On the other hand, the constructions "quantifier + head", "head+ noun", "head + adjective" and "head + noun group" are the dominant constructions of single dependent NPs in Golestan and the constructions of "indefinite adjective + head", "head + noun", "head + adjective", "head + relative clause", "head + NP" and "head + prepositional group” are the dominant constructions in Baharestan.


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