Dual and semantic contrasts in the rhetorical and syntactic structure of Sa’di's speech

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student of Persian language and literature, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan branch, Gorgan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan Branch, Gorgan, Iran



Investigating the topic of double contrasts in literary and artistic works for a better and deeper understanding of these works has attracted the attention of contemporary linguists and narratologists. In this research, by looking at Sa’di's works and ideas, we have paid attention to the investigation of double confrontations or mutual couples as one of the main pillars and elements in the components that Sa’di has expressed the themes and themes related to health and mental health. According to the nature of the components studied in this thesis, the paradigm of the present research is descriptive-analytical and the method of representation is done through qualitative content analysis. The field of study and the scope of the current research, which was selected through a targeted sampling of Sa’di's works, were determined based on the principle of sufficiency and sufficiency of evidence. The results of the research show that the contrast of words with opposite and opposite meanings covers a significant part of Sa’di's poems and writings. With a structuralist look at the investigated examples, we find that these signs give attention to the real and objective explanation of practical solutions to obtain peace and comfort based on moral, mystical and educational teachings from the artistic and semantic point of view, and in the form of semantic, implicit, A structure in the sentence unit and literary contrasts are presented in Sa’di's speech.


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