look at Ambiguity in Masnavi Shirin and Farhad Salimi Jaroni

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. in Persian language and literature, Shahid Beheshti University and lecturer at Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature Department, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran



Salimi Jaroni is one of the 9th century poets and a follower of Nezami-Ganjavi's good taste. His poems are full of , Figures of thought and original beauties; ambiguity is one of the Figures of thought and a means of avoiding norms in speech, which has a significant contribution to the illustration and composition of Salimi's speech. This research tries to investigate this artistic technique in Shirin-Farhad Salimi's masnavi using a descriptive-analytical method and to demonstrate the poet's ability in this field. The results of the research show that out of a total of 697 cases of ambiguity has the highest frequency with 338 cases and a frequency of 48.5. His ideas are pleasant and have been used elegantly and in the form of new images and structures. The choice of idiomatic words in the axis of coexistence and substitution is very artistic in such a way that the change of each of the parts of the verses causes disturbance in the words. He has tried to innovate by using words related to some aromatic substances, fruits, diseases, calendar terms, plants, adjectives, verbs, prepositions, pronouns and breaking the link of simple words in the field of all kinds of ideas. It seems that Salimi, with the conscious use of all kinds of metaphors, along with other Figures of thought: recognition, puns, contrasts, irony, repetition, sensibility, similes, allusions, and used this Figures in the service of visualizing and creating multiple meanings of the word.


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