Investigation, analysis and classification of Pseudo-sentences in Persian language

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Qom, Qom, Iran



The grammatical categories of Persian language are divided into various types in terms of grammar and syntax. This research seeks to answer the questions of what a Pseudo-sentences is, what types it has, and how it is expressed in grammar books. A Pseudo-sentence is a word or a group of Persian and non-Persian words that lack verb and structure of a Persian sentence but has the full meaning of a sentence. The sentence in Persian either has or does not have adverb. Pseudo-sentences fall into the category of verb-less sentences. In grammar books, some have referred to this as sound and others as quasi-sentence. This study examines, analyzes, and classifies Pseudo-sentences in all its forms. Furthermore, it designates various features, and provides some criteria to differentiate idioms, sounds, adverbs. Sound is a type of quasi-sentence, but quasi-sentence is not limited to sound. Some nouns, adjectives, pronouns and adverbs are formed by changing the melody and putting a special emphasis on the sentence. Many verbless proverbs, monada, some non-Persian words (Turkish, English and French) and many commonly used Arabic phrases, verbs and sentences in Persian are considered Pseudo-sentences. Pseudo-sentences are divided into different groups and classes in terms of function and meaning, and express many human emotions and feelings such as: desire and hope, respect and obedience, disgust and hatred, anger, kindness and compassion, blame and insult, question, emphasis, regret, surprise, encouragement and pain. In general, Pseudo-sentences reflect more negative emotions and feelings. The subject of the quasi-sentence is related to both the pure linguistics and syntax.


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