The Rhetorical Function of Adverbial Adjectives in Akhavan Sales’s poems

Document Type : Research Paper


PhD student of Persian language and literature, University of Mazandaran, Mazandaran, Iran



 Adverbial adjective is an adjective (any kind of adjective) which is placed in the position of an adverb. In this research, an attempt has been made to analyze this linguistic component in Akhavan Sales’s poems. The starting point of this research is the linguistics approach to the analysis of literary texts, which of course is not a new discussion. However in this research, a new element of language, adverbial adjective is emphasized, which has not yet explored in books of grammar and the literary research focusing on the function of a  specific linguistic component. Furthermore, rhetoric also lacked the necessary tools to deal with the problem. The data collection in this research is based on the library method and the data are analyzed accordingly. In the end, it is concluded that Akhavan Sales has used adverbial adjectives in order to create imagery, ambiguity, brevity, and descriptive scenes.


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