Investigating the Reflection of Travel Components (Migration) in Saadi Shirazi and Talib Amoli

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD in Persian Literature, University of Yazd

2 MA in Persian Literature, University of Shahr-e-kord



The poet's artistic imagination is the most important factor shaping his poetry, but the place and time has a significant impact on his discourse. In connection with this subject, Persian poetry, especially Ghazal, is the result of a poignant sensitivity and affection in times of turbulence. Such a time has taken two reactions from the poet: to crawl into the world inside or out of the real place and to seek a place free of chaos. In this regard, two poets from two Persian literary styles, the Iraqi and Indian style, who spent a significant part of their life in travel and migration due to profound cultural, religious, political, and cultural changes, led the attitudes Different in the position and characteristics of the beloved in the ghazal, which has previously been unprecedented, Saadi's romantic lyrics and one of his followers (Talib Amoli) are reviewed in order to review the changes created by these two poets. The result of this study indicates that the main roots of the two poets' thinking influenced by the context and time of immigration or traveling to the West and the East (Iraq and Indies), the consciousness led to a change in the angle of the poet in the sense of love, The influence of the beloved and the lover and the description of their appearance, new concepts and discourse in the field of Persian poetry. Most of the changes created by Sa'di and Taliban are related to the synchronic axis and the succession of Ghazal.


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