The Hero’s Ideological acts in “Maqamat-e-Hariri” in light of Van Dijk’s Idelogical Square

Document Type : Research Paper


Lecturer of Persian Literature, University of Farhangian Kermanshah



Maqamat-e-Hariri (495-504) includes 50 maqamah. It mainly reports Abuzeid Sarooji’s beggary using flattery and trickery. However, the author has raised other issues like abstaining from worldliness and encouraging beneficence dexterously using figurative language and devices for eloquence. Relying on Van Dijk’s” ideological square”, the present article investigates the ideological acts of the hero to explain discourse-based ideology. In fifty maqamas, the hero’s ideological acts are analyzed in a systematic way based on “the hero’s appearance”, “form and content of speech”, and “contradictory acts”. It is concluded that the hero’s discourse is magical with contradictory contents of advice and seduction aiming at fulfilling his wishes (beggary, enlightening people, and exposing the rulers), and focusing on positive traits of self while concentrating on negative qualities of the other. These discursive features, in each maqamai, introduce the hero’s acts as contradictory (half good, half bad) portraying the discourses of poverty, beggary and the ruler’s ignorance of the grassroots’ welfare and their disregard of the cultured.


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