Personification in the Poems of Fereydoon Mushiri Relying on His Book “Seh Daftar”

Document Type : Academicm and Research


1 Ph.D. in Persian Language and Literature, Farhangiyan University, Shiraz

2 M.A. Student in Persian Language and Literature, Farhangiyan University, Shiraz



Persian poets have always deployed nature and natural events in their poetry through their descriptive, metaphorical, or symbolic approach. Having an instrumental look at natural events through a metaphorical and enigmatic approach, Fereydoon Mushiri is a poet who has made use of nature as an axis in his discourse in order to depict poetic images. Regarding his Romanticist approach, one of the significant discourse devices used by him is personification such that natural elements are like his close soulmates to whom he speaks. He attributes human qualities to natural events or abstract concepts to make his poems figurative, imaginary, and rhetorical. Personification as an outstanding literary figure in his poetry has various classifications according to many scholars in literature. According to 7 structural models called explicit, book-based, discussion, verb-based, interjectional, figurative, and narrative, this descriptive-analytical study seeks to investigate the variety of personification forms in Mushiri’s book entitled “Seh Daftar” including 3 poetry collections named “Gonah-e Darya”, “Abr va Koocheh”, and Bahar ra Bavar Kon”. The results of the study indicated 691 cases of personification in the above 3 poetry collections. Thus it was concluded that in Mushiri’s poetry, the frequency of personification for the sake of poetic illustration is high. The surveyed results of other researches as well as this article revealed that “Abr va Kooche” and “Gunah-e Darya” have respectively the most and least cases of personification. Personification figures have been used in the poems of Mushiri intensively and extensively and usually in conjunction with other forms of figurative language to convey subjective and objective themes.


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