The Critic Review of the Film “Being a Star” Based on Theories of Postmodern Novel

Document Type : Academicm and Research


1 Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Allameh Tabatabaii University

2 M.A. in Comparative Literature, Allameh Tabatabaii University


Contrary to the French school of comparative literature that assumes only texts having certain conditions can be compared, in the American approach it is possible to compare literary texts with other forms of art such as cinema so this possibility can contribute to a better understanding of literature. Since novels and films have a lot of shared characteristics, they are similar in many aspects and are in fact regarded as two comparable genres. This commonality can pave the ground for reviewing films from the perspective of modern theories on literary criticism so that concepts and jargons commonly used as a means to discuss novels, can also be applied for the critical analysis of films’ structures and themes. On the other hand, we witness a tendency to “postmodernism” in the current critical discussions about novels in our country such that many novelists today show great interest to postmodernist style in writing. Reviewing some of the most important theories on postmodern literature, this study aims to extract 19 techniques used in postmodern novels and then to explore their application in the film “Being a Star” through qualitative analysis. The results of the study showed commonality between literature and cinema (as a visual text) as many techniques used in postmodern novels are also applied in the above film with high frequency.


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