A Realistic Analysis of “Abshooran” by Ali Ashraf Darvishian and “Pig’s Bones and Leper’s Hands” by Mustafa Mastur

Document Type : Academicm and Research


1 Ph.D. Student in Persian Language and Literature, University of Razi Kirmanshah

2 Ph.D. Graduate in Persian Language and Literature, University of Razi Kirmanshah


The reflection of reality in literature and art is considered as one of the most influential components in the classification of literary schools that has created various movements such classicism, romanticism, realism, naturalism and so on. In the meantime, the component of “reality” in realism seeking to depict objective truth as a basic paradigm and claiming to portrait merely actual and temporary matters has a special and distinctive place among other literary and artistic schools. The research question raised in the current study is whether time variable which definitely modifies the context and atmosphere of a story can influence its realistic reflection or not. Using comparative analysis, the present study sought to explore the realistic features and components in two story books entitled “Abshooran” written by Ali Ashraf Darvishian and “Pig’s Bones and Leper’s Hands” written by Mustafa Mastur which have commonality in social genre and yet difference in terms of time and context. The results of the study showed that despite time variable, realistic features and components in fiction can have a lot of commonalities and shared elements.


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