The Divine and Prophetic Manifestations of King in the Light of Metaphorical Worldview of Zel Allah (God's Shadow) in Rashid al-Din Vatvat’s Poetry

Document Type : Academicm and Research


Lecturer of the Department of Intercultural Studies, Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan


In recent decades, there has been a growing interest to study a variety of figurative attributions and simile structures from the perspective of their profound social and cultural role, regardless of their mere aesthetic function. In literary studies, figurative attributions and simile structures which are commonly acknowledged as "metaphor" in this article, usually have mere ornamental function being considered as one of the most significant rhetorical devices, while the communicative function of metaphor for conveying a certain worldview is usually neglected. In recent decades, numerous research studies conducted in various fields have revealed that metaphor is one of the major means in history by which events in the world have been constructed as reality or knowledge for human being. The researches in the above studies hold that each metaphor can serve various manifestations of reality. In another words, metaphors can arrange human perception and experience so that they represent certain worldviews to the existing events. In this respect, metaphors are formed based on implicit assumptions, views, and values in order to convey and promote certain worldviews. Relying on contemporary theories on metaphor, it was attempted in this article to provide an extensive analysis of various divine and prophetic manifestations of king in Rashid al-Din Vatvat’s Divan to show the metaphorical basis of the diverse descriptions and qualifications of king in his poetry and to illustrate the communicative means used under the influence of the original metaphor.


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