Repetition as a Common Feature between Arabic and Persian Poems by Khaqani

Document Type : Academicm and Research


Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Arak


Khaqani is a pioneer poet in writing Qasida (ode) in Persian poetry. Some of his poems are in Arabic that have their own special complexity, and it has led to the negligence of researchers to this part of his poetry. Khaqani’s Persian poems can be used to achieve a better understanding of his Arabic poetry. Aiming to analyze the commonalities between Khaqani’s Arabic and Persian Poetry, the present study seeks to find out which type of the similarity exists between his Arabic and Persian poems in terms of style and poetic motifs; and if his Persian and Arabic poems have identical pattern and structure. The results of this research conducted by descriptive analysis revealed that there is a significantly meaningful relation between the two abovementioned forms of poetry by Khaqani such that it is as if his Arabic poems repeat the style of his Persian poems. The article delves deep into the analysis of Arabic and Persian poems of this great poet in terms of 3 major categories, that is to say, “repetition of themes and contents”, “repetition of poetic images”, and “repetition of linguistic elements”.


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