Study and Analysis of the Religious Issues and Concepts of the Poetry Books for Children and Adolescents among 2011-2014

Document Type : Academicm and Research


Knowledge and Information Science, University of Qom, Qom, Iran


In recent years, religious subjects have received much attention in the field of children and adolescent's literature, and poets and writers also have shown great interest in writing story and composing poetry about the religious themes. Children and adolescent's literature especially in the form of poetry, which for its song, rhyme and short duration is more impressive than the story, can be considered as an attractive and  low-cost media for every society’s culture. The content and the concept of the poetry used for children are so important since it can play a significant role in the children education and upbringing, so each adult person as a father, mother, teacher, and etc. should pay attention to the content and everything else which can poems convey to the children and adolescents. So for the importance of this issue, this study aims to study children and adolescent's’ poetry books among 2011-2014 to find out to what extent poets use variety of religious issues and concepts and also to investigate the quality of the poetry concepts. The results of the present study show that in some religious concepts, a few poems have been written by the poets and also some of the content of the poems has not been able to provide religious concepts well. Therefor the results of this study can pave the way for the poets to write poetry in these cases.


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