Linguistic and literary values of Sequential adjectives in the Tarikh Wassaf (Vol. 4)

Document Type : Academicm and Research


Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of humanities sciences, university of Farhangian Shahid Mofatteh, tehran: rey, iran


Sequential adjectives, is bringing Continuous adjectives with a particular order for a noun. The usege of sequential adjectives in artifact prose is a common practice, and the authors of these texts use it for reasons such as explicit or prolixity, creating music, fantasizing the text, and inducing new concepts. The vast use of this literary art in Tarikh Wassaf, has made it a lightweight style. The value of Sequential adjectives in the Tarikh Wassaf is to build a composition and original adjective that the author with his creation by the richness of the lexical-linguistic content of the text and the extent of music and imagination. The purpose of this research is to show the generosity of the word in composite Sequential adjectives, the methods of making adjectives, the rhetorical values ​​of this figure of speech, and the effects on the text and the reader. The research method is library and descriptive-analytic study. The results of the research indicate that the construction of adjectives used in Sequential adjectives phrases in Tarikh Wassaf is more than a combination of two simple words (noun / adjective / root)+ noun, and Wassaful Hazarah made many words with this structure. Most of the sequential adjectives of this book are objective and are written in the description of humans and domesticated animals or is about eulogy  which are connected in most cases with e, and most of the Literary techniques created in them, such as symmetry, alliteration, Words of the same weight, simile  and symbol.


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